Sunday, November 29, 2009

egotism: A Birthday Present to Myself

e·go·tism (ē'gə-tĭz'əm, ĕg'ə-)
  1. The tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively and boastfully.
  2. An inflated sense of one's own importance; conceit. See synonyms at conceit.

Egotistical Musings: Things I Like About Me

1. I wear jewelry well
2. I picked up Korean pretty quickly and I have good pronunciation
3. I have learned to cook and sometimes it's really delicious
4. There are a couple kids out there whose development is attributed to my teaching and love
5. I am very brave
6. I make good coffee
7. I only wear makeup on the weekends and then people think I look really good
8. When I lose weight, I lose it in my face and it makes a big difference
9. My handwriting
10. I am a good communicator
11. I am delusional in my beliefs about world peace
12. I am a good person and have strong values without any basis in religion
13. My feet
14. I have a good sense of adventure
15. My eclectic taste in music

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